Make a door crack cover
Making a door crack cover or door floor gap draft blocker is a very simple project. I will lay out the instructions for you in this short article.
1. A piece of fabric (I prefer cotton tweed, your choice) 10.5″ X 4″ over width of door crack.

2. Sew one end and the width using a 1/2″ seam. Make sure you either tie the threads off or back stitch.
2a. If you are going to fill this with sand you will need to line it with a piece of plastic. Just fold same size plastic (a heavy leaf or trash bag will work) witht he fabric as you sew through all layers.
3. Turn the sewn piece inside out. I use a yardstick to push the bottom end all the way out.
4. Fill your newly sewn sleeve with one of the following fillers: cedar shavings, sand, light gravel, polyester pillow fill and even old tee shirts or towels will work. Just make sur whatever you use is very dry so as not to promote mold. I like the cedar shavings because it gives off a great smell.
5. Close the open end by sewing as close to the filler as your sewing maching will let you. Make sure your finished snake is at least 2″ longer than your door crack. I like to trim my closure end with a 1/2″ folded seam, in order, to hide all the edges and prevent raveling.
[…] This has nothing to do with your undergarments, but it does deal with filling the crack. Grandma and grandpa, probably, had some towels on the floor in front of the door cracks to keep the cold air out in the winter time. Believe it or not, this idea can save on both heat and cooling costs. You can see how to easily make these crack fillers HERE. […]